The Atlantic Claim Executives Association (ACEA) was established in 1957 when 40 Insurance companies with home offices or senior claim functions located in some of the Atlantic states felt it was necessary to increase cooperation at the claim executive level.
The ACEA has expanded into additional Atlantic states. Now, ACEA membership includes almost 32 companies, has expanded into additional eastern states, and includes self-insureds who are self-administered, companies who exclusively manage claims for another company, and has become one of the most rewarding, productive, and effective associations of its kind.
The ACEA maintains a very flexible structure in order to accommodate the current claim climate. The members in our organization work effectively in discussing the challenges that face our industry and the continuing changes in technology that help members improve their overall product delivery.


ACEA’s membership consists of the senior claim executive of a property/casualty insurance or reinsurance company, a true corporate self-insurer, and third-party property/casualty administrator companies operating in the Atlantic states.
Since its inception, ACEA has enjoyed a high level of participation and responsible leadership.
In any business climate, leadership is essential. Membership in ACEA assures not only participation but also sharing of leadership.
An organization must have at its core specific goals and objectives. The ACEA provides an open forum for the exchange of ideas and innovations along with the latest trends effecting our industry. The ACEA provides a unique forum for this by the most senior claim executives for our members.

That’s ACEA’s intent, and its principal goals are listed below.
ACEA fosters the idea that claim philosophy, policy interpretation, and public relations should be consistent and fair. The insurance consumer should receive respect and equitable treatment from any insurance company.
ACEA believes the key to professionalism is continuing education, and it encourages and supports better education and training for all people engaged in the claims handling process.
ACEA encourages cooperation among all companies, whether they’re members of ACEA or not. The membership recognizes the value of amicable relations between companies and the benefits those relationships bring to everyone affected by the insurance industry.
ACEA promotes improved claim handling for the benefit of the general public and exchanges ideas to further that goal.
ACEA believes in the highest business principles and maximizing the service an insurance consumer receives from the industry.
ACEA supports the “hot line” concept between senior claim executives and urges discussion. The ACEA encourages all members to have the highest ethical standards.
ACEA strives to maintain goodwill, fellowship, and positive rapport among member company representatives.
ACEA promotes flexible, expedient, productive communication among members to best serve those to whom they’re responsible – the public.

The ACEA meets twice a year, in the spring and the fall, in principle cities in the east. Our members are encouraged to participate in presentations, industry updates and panel discussions. We invite outside experts to address members on timely topics, issues facing the industry and legislative changes effecting our members within their territory. We have guest speakers that include judge's, attorney's, doctors, jury consultants, insurance commissioners and other respective industry experts.
The ACEA is proud of its long-standing tradition of providing a varied variety of programs and educational material to improve the knowledge of our members in a relaxed and friendly environment while affording the opportunity for an open exchange of ideas and knowledge sharing.